VBGS will provide a limited number of scholarships each year and will cover dues for a one-year membership (September to August). Scholarships may be given for either an individual or household membership. Individuals may request a scholarship by completing an application and a renewal or new member application and mailing to the VBGS Scholarship Fund. These confidential applications will be considered by a committee appointed by the VBGS President. Criteria to be considered will include need and apparent interest in genealogy by the applicant. Any applicant can only receive two scholarships in a five-year period. The number of scholarships to be given in a year will be determined by the Board based on available funds.
A Scholarship Fund may be established by the Board to allow donations to a dedicated fund to support the Scholarships.
If you would like to apply for a Membership Scholarship, download and submit the following:
Once complete, seal the forms in an envelope and either mail them to the address below or hand them in at the sign-in table at an in-person meeting. They will be given to the Scholarship Committee.
Virginia Beach Genealogical Society Attn: Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 62901 Virginia Beach VA 23466-2901